Help Make Home Safe for More West Texans
Your gift helps survivors and children get the support they need to break the cycle of violence.

On April 24, 2019, the first survivor walked through the doors of Louise Wood Angel House. The 16,000 sq. ft. state-of-the-art shelter doubled our capacity to house women, children, and men seeking to break the cycle of violence. This new shelter is open, light, inviting and conducive to healing in ways far beyond the safe, but limited shelter of the previous two decades.
In those first five years, 1,488 survivors from all walks of life found refuge within its walls. From the 224 newborns and infants under age 1 to the 76-year old eldest resident, Louise Wood Angel House offers every resident a chance to break free. With the help of supporters like you, survivors and children found 58,013 nights of safety and rest in a bed, room, and building designed with their comfort and protection in mind.